How Does a Coworking Space Relate to Ginseng?

By now you’ve probably seen us post about our latest Emerge program project, our coworking space, Checklist Connect. But you might be wondering, what does a coworking space have to do with ginseng? A coworking space and our ginseng powder have more in common than you might think, so keep reading as we answer how does a coworking space relate to ginseng.

Why a coworking space?

Our Emerge program is all about sustainability and working within our community on special projects that promote health, wellbeing and connection. We wanted to create a dedicated space and community for women to connect, network, collaborate and inspire each other as this is something that a lot of people who work from home miss out on. At Bing Han, we are all about sharing our ginseng with others, so where better than a space that's dedicated to sharing and inspiring. Through selling our ginseng powder, people are able to become members and start their own business. By creating a community full of entrepreneurial minded women, we can share this business opportunity with them and support them in starting a new side hustle if they choose to, however there is no obligation to. As our business model is based on sharing and connecting with others, we wanted to provide an environment where this can be replicated. 

How does this relate to ginseng?

We believe that taking ginseng daily is a great way to improve your overall health and wellness, we also believe that the working environment that you spend the majority of your day in can either help or hinder your health and wellbeing. With Checklist Connect we have cultivated an environment that is warm, welcoming, clean, full of natural light and of course filled with like minded positive people. We believe that by spending your working time in an environment like this, you can improve your overall health and wellbeing. As ginseng is known for its energy and cognitive function benefits such as greater focus, concentration and memory. We thought pairing this with a great office space would create the ultimate working environment and optimise productivity and wellness for everyone involved. As the 5 people you spend the most time with have a great influence on how you behave, we feel that having a room full of motivated, productive, healthy and happy individuals would be beneficial for all the coworkers at Checklist Connect. 

Who doesn’t like a package deal

Although we offer casual coworking desk passes for $34.99, we wanted to create more affordable and accessible options so that you can prioritise both your health and professional space. By buying one of our member special packages you can get a can of ginseng powder and 15 or 20 desk passes for a really affordable price. While $275 for a can of ginseng powder can seem like quite an investment, once you feel the difference in taking it you will agree it's worth every cent. But if you look at it like this, with the special package deal you are paying $28 per session (the average price of any coworking desk) and getting a can of high quality ginseng powder included in that. Regardless of where you are coworking at, you are paying the same price for desk hire, but at Checklist Connect you are able to prioritise your health and wellness at no extra charge. So essentially you are saving yourself money while getting a great supplement included and putting yourself in a nurturing environment with like minded women. 

Intentionality is key

Hopefully by now you can see the intentionality that we have put into creating this space and for the people who enter it. Nomatter what area of your life, being intentional is a key factor for happiness and success. Most successful people are very intentional about their time, energy and who they are around. If this sounds like you, why not immerse yourself in an intentional working environment too? For more information or to book your spot today click here

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